Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I just want sleep

So Kingston just turned four... this marks about 2 years since I have really gotten any good sleep at night (other than Mawmaw nights)!

Jerod and I did not opt to co-sleep... somehow Kingston just prefers to snuggle with us anyway.  He didn't sleep through the night literally until the day before he turned one. Then we went through a blissful phase from 12 months to about two and a half.  And then... the 'scared phase' began after a nasty hail/thunderstorm that brought HUGE branches down on the roof of our house (right over his room).  He is now terrified of thunderstorms, and fights with all his might to stay up as late as possible.

He always starts out in his own bed, after the wrestling match to get him there... then he comes into our room around 2AM and kicks the crap out of us until the alarm goes off at 5. He literally sleeps like a starfish...

I have been in the new mom phase again for a four year old.  I just want to sleep, so I can function like a normal person! LOL

He's lucky he's so damn cute. It's impossible to be upset with him that way. ♥

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