Monday, December 24, 2012
careful with your heart
i just want to be significant like they are to me. it doesn't mean that i need them to have the same sentiment that i do, but i do ask for them to respect how i feel and not take advantage or tread upon my heart. right now i just want to remember to breathe, and that like everything else - this too shall pass.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
check mate
i am having one of those days where i feel like no matter how hard i try, no matter what my intentions, and no matter where my heart is - i am just going to lose. i am lost in my own head 90% of the time anymore. i can't shake the insecurities... all of the sudden i am a green eyed monster of things of insignificance. i am just never good enough just being who i am. it stings a lot.
quote for strength:
“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” - Bob Marley ♥
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
it's all about control
I am an adult - seriously. You are not my daddy, and you are not my boss. I have never, at any point made, put you in a position to control anything that I do. So - get a grip.
I am going to do what I think is right, when I think it is right. Unless I feel that you need to have an opinion - yours doesn't count. Just sayin.
People trying to control things in my life that are not their business to control is a huge issue for me, moreover - when you try to control something that doesn't require control, it is not something that I am prepared to take lightly.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
the upside of anger
I get mean, moody, irrational, and then I just resent the hell out of the person. Even if they are doing something that I would love normally, it because something negative. Sometimes I cannot get past something hurtful that they said, sometimes it is so many small shitty things that I have lost count.
At the end of it all it still leaves me putting up with more than I should to be happy. When you are so entwined in life with some of these people, how do you unravel yourself? How do you not be hurtful, but still be honest and get through the them?
I haven't found those answers. I am not sure that I ever will.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
updates and anger
And onto the anger... I get tired of not being a priority. It happens in more than one area of my life. I like to think that I return the respect that I am given. I am tired of being taken for granted, tired of being an afterthought, I am just tired. I am also tired of being angry.
I made a commitment to myself that I was going to make it a point to change my life this year. Personal growth comes at a cost; realizations that we are not going always like where we are and what we have done, some people that we have in our lives shouldn't really be there, and some people that we have left behind actually should have. There is no simple answer and no simple solution. The only thing that is certain is that time has a way of bringing us the answers we seek. Sometimes later, sometimes sooner, ready or not.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Advocare and all that is cleansing in my world
I tend to be a bit impatient in most aspects of my life. I want resolution and answers and results NOW. Something to work on, especially as I am going through this lifestyle change. Weight loss and the change to my body will take time. I need to remain steadfast in my efforts, and the change will come.
Let's be clear - I am not trying to be skeletor. I like being curvy, but I'd rather be firm curvy with the shape that I want. And that shape is NOT round and lumpy lol.
That being said - me and the Advocare cleanse fiber drink are absolutely not friends. I cannot get that crap to stay down for any amount of time. As soon as I swallow it, back up it comes. It was worse than morning sickness. So - fiber supplements and I will begin our journey for the rest of this cleanse phase (7 more days if you are counting along with me).
My poor husband is trying to do this too, though I think he is a little worse for the wear without his icees. What we can have is limited, but not unreasonable if you are committed to it. Pre-baby body is a good motivator for me - and I am just ready. I started this on a Wednesday, the week before Thanksgiving because I am firm in my belief that if you are not ready to make a change - it doesn't matter when you start - you are not going to follow through. I am going to be faced with all kinds of obstacles in my life. How I deal with those obstacles determines what I will get in return. It's all about choices. Choices that are the best for you, even if they are not always what you want. :)
Monday, November 12, 2012
confession - i am a control freak
i feel like i am in this horrible emotional hang over though - i am so good at masking and moving on for the greater good of all that are in my life, that this change is going to be a little painful for me for a while. i have been a doormat for far too long, but there are also better ways that i can express how i feel. and that includes letting someone else lead, letting myself feel hurt, and be disappointed. this also means not pretending like everything is perfect when it is not.
so much raw emotion has kicked my ass over the last few weeks. i have this constant need to be in control of all things - it's safe that way... i have not let myself be in the driver seat a lot of the time over the past few weeks. i let someone get the better of me, and it pissed me off, but i actually let myself be angry, and hurt and disappointed at that moment, someone that i thought was a great person, really seemed not to be. and instead of not saying anything, i let them have it. the whole truth from beginning to end, and i called them on their bullshit. some of this has been good, other parts of it remind me why i must be in the driver seat in some parts of my life. i can only risk so much of my sanity on this journey.
*and yes i wrote this in lowercase on purpose, just because i can*
Monday, November 5, 2012
word vomit
Thursday, October 18, 2012
thinking out loud
I am finding that I am enjoying it a lot and have been thinking of opening up an Etsy shop for scarves and blankets, etc. We will see how motivated I feel about being 'on demand' with my sewing. I am worried that if I am doing it for orders, that it may lose some of it's calming quotient for me...
Monday, October 15, 2012
Growing too fast!
For the first time this weekend - I bought him 'big boy' body wash. Weird I know, but the big bottles of Johnson's baby wash last an eternity. So.. between that and the fact that I bought him a pair of jams in a size 6, and they fit him... having one of those OMG what happened mommy moments.
Even though he still changes everyday, he becomes more of the grubby little boy and less of mommy's little snuggle bug. I love it, but it makes me cling to the last bit of free kisses and snuggles that I am going to get from him (willingly).
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
while it is great to see all of these things in myself, it is the changes that need to be made that will prove the biggest hurdle. i must start expecting that not everyone in my life is there for good. i need to come to terms with the fact that there are ties that need cut, relationships that i have held onto that i should let go of, that there is a reason that these people hurt me and make me miserable. i can only accept responsibility and fault for letting it continue, not for them being assholes. i always want to see the best in people and i make it a point not to judge. all of that good intention has left me with a lot of crosses to bear. i wear my heart on my sleeve and there isn't much that i would not do for those that i am close to, but i am tired of being used and taken advantage of, and i am tired of the games.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The effort that we put forth is undermined by the fact that no one else wants to continue with it. We only get so much time with the girls, and we want some of it to be family time too. Not just make up for study time and learning that they are missing the rest of the week. What are we to do? Below grade level reading, needing extra help in math and reading, are we to ignore that they really need the help?
I am a firm believer that education is so important. More important is actually being an informed and involved parent. I don't care that I didn't give birth to these girls. I will always hope and fight alongside Jerod to give them everything that they need. I just don't understand how this is an issue, and why it isn't being addressed by the school district honestly.
How many times do we have to call children's services and the principal to get someone to do something for these girls.
I pray to god that the court will do something this time.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
the radio reads my mind :)
Monday, September 17, 2012
a little sense of humor
I am still overwhelmed with all that we have going on right now, but knowing that I have support and a few mechanisms for coping helps. So does shopping (of course). So I am going to take advantage of the rare chance for a salaried employee such as myself to earn some extra cash. That will buy my Sperry's with out guilt - which of course is a double bonus no guilt + shopping = less stress for this mama. LOL :)
Monday, September 10, 2012
one sided
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I have always been a believer in fate, and that people are put into our lives for a reason, be it good or bad. It is the times when those people make you more confused about the path that you are on and if you should continue it or choose another that makes keeping that faith in fate a challenge.
I am an outspoken introvert of person... An oxymoron in and of itself... I tend follow my heart instead of listen to my head, but I dwell on the decision and over analyze it, sometimes after I have already made a choice. Twice. This is true in all areas of my life. I find it difficult to hurt people that I care about, I always want to see the good in everyone and most of all, I believe in fixing what can be fixed and moving on if it can't.
But lately... I feel that some of me gets a little more lost every time I make a decision that is better for most, and I am not in that majority. I feel disconnected, and most of all I feel taken for granted and unappreciated.
I feel strongly that everything happens for a reason, but my impetuous side cannot bear the wait for the answer to that reason. It cannot let things come to rest if they are unsettled.
Perhaps my life is too complicated a string of mishaps with the best of intentions. Perhaps I have not completed everything that I should to get to the resolutions I seek. Or maybe I am on the wrong path altogether.
Assuredly, the only thing that is certain is that time will eventually hold my answers. Whether I want to know them or not.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
choices for my child
He is so funny, and he can be so sweet. Every day he tells me that he loves me, and it always on his own, and it's so sincere. It melts my heart every single time. He also tells me that I am beautiful every day. And in those two things comes the security that I am doing something right. While I know there are always things that I could do better, or differently... I think we are pretty good on this one.
There are so few things in life that are guaranteed, and this is just a win for me in my heart. I cannot always be there with him to help him choose the right path, but to watch him grow with love for all people and without prejudice in his heart makes me so proud. He has a special needs child in his class and he treats him no differently than anyone else in his class. His favorite teacher is from Sri Lanka, and he has friends from several cultures in his class.
It's important to me that he is open minded, kind and honest... and I think that he has a pretty awesome start. The world is so diverse in people and life choices, disabilities, and experiences... I love that at four, my son see the world with the same eyes that I see it with. He just doesn't care about what people look like, he just cares if they are nice to him. That is all I can hope for. <3 p="p">
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
self reflection
Vague, but honest. Best policy at this point. I worry too much. And I over think everything. Tomorrow is always a new day. Now if I could just make myself believe it...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
just... devasted
I called Jerod, and we went through the painful experience of having to choose to end her life, or choose to watch her continue to waste away, literally - and die on her own in pain.
Crickett had a bone tumor that was attached to her pelvis, and over the last two or three weeks, she had lost the ability to wag or raise her tail, all of her muscle mass from her back legs had gone and the last few days, she has struggled to go to the bathroom. She had lost 8 pounds from her already small frame.
We didn't notice the mass until she started to lose the weight, and even if we could have found it - it was in her bones. Based on the blood in her stool, and the fluid in her leg - it was also in her lymph node, her intestines and her bladder.
We did what we thought was best for her, and it is the hardest decision I have ever been faced with. I had to choose to take a life today - and in my house - my pets are my kids too.
Jerod has had Crickett since she was 6 weeks old and she was just about to be 12. Jerod and I have been together for almost 7 years, so essentially - she was our first baby.
She was an amazing dog. My heart is aching, my eyes are burning from crying and I miss her so much already. It doesn't seem real.
Kingston told the vet that Weasel was sick, and that mommy was sad that she was sick. Then he asked the vet to make us both better. So sweet. Explaining to a four year old that he is losing his first pet is so hard. And harder when you are half way home and he asks where she is.
God grant me the strength to get through this. :(
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
flattered... I think not - oh, and happy fall
Thursday, August 23, 2012
super grumpy
There is not enough ice cream in the world right now, but my Berrytini after curriculum night might have made me feel just a smidge better... Could have been my steak too... or my pretzel bones. Or the fact that I went on a half date with my spouse and didn't have to catch a cup from being elbowed off the table, cut anyone else's food for them, or eat at the speed of sound so that my child didn't have a public melt down.
The weekend is almost here, and I am going to try to relax, only make one trip to Target (maybe) and clean the carpets. Lofty goals, I know. Maybe I will launch into round three of Fifty Shades... :)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
serene weekend
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Honestly - I know when I do something that is wrong, but don't you fucking dare tell me that I have to stand and listen to someone bad mouth me and call me names in front of my child and expect me not to say anything about it. I am honest about my motives and actions. There is nothing worse than a liar. I have no reason to lie - for better or worse - I tell the truth. My mama raised me that way. Even growing up - I always just fessed up if I did something dumb and they found out. Less trouble for me in the moment and later. I never have to worry about what I said - I don't have to remember who I told what version of anything - there is only one version - THE TRUTH. It's actually a pretty noble concept.
And you know - It's not like this is the first time that I have been attacked verbally, and I have always kept my mouth shut with this person. Am I sorry that I stooped to that level for once? Yes - but what I said was what I honestly feel. It wasn't meant to be an insult - it was truth that spilled out in a heated moment.
I can't take it back - and honestly it is a little cathartic to tell someone what you really think. Even though I barely scratched the surface on this one. I am sure that it will get brought up when it counts. It's rare that I let anyone get the best of me. I have had enough though for real...
Monday, August 13, 2012
Fifty Shades Trilogy - I finally caved.
Who wouldn't want a man like Grey??
I am already re-reading them because I read them so quickly. :) I am not at all ashamed either.
Laters Baby.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sometimes I think about how different things would be if Jerod's mom's side of his family was still a part of our lives. I wonder if Kingston will be sad when he is older that he has a grandmother, three uncles, and countless other relatives that he has never met, but that his sisters know and have a relationship with. I wonder if our lives would be worse than what we have now, because my husband is a different person now. I feel selfish sometimes because I am almost relieved that I don't have to worry about some of the negativity. I know that the bridge has been burned, and not for Jerod's lack of trying to move past the stupid argument that started the whole thing.
What does make me sad is that sometimes I feel like my husband has had to grieve the loss of his mother because he chose to spend his life with me. Then I realize that no matter who Jerod had chosen to spend his life with, the issue would have been the same. His mother felt threatened and replaced by me, without my having to do anything to make her feel that way. It was her own insecurity.
His mom loved me until we moved in together and then found out that we were pregnant. I remember being heartbroken that his mom and brothers were upset that we were expecting. My parents and Jerods dad and his wife were so excited for us. She has never met Kingston, and from what the girls have said, their mom had pictures of him on her phone somehow and they talked about what an ugly baby he was.
Whether it was really said, or told to the girls as a way to try to hurt us, it proved for us that walking away was the right choice. How can you ever put trust in someone after that? She spends the night at his ex's house, they have each others names tattooed on their bodies, its just weird. And my good ole MIL has a daughter now, according to her.
I am always his bitch wife, and you know - I will take it, because based on his mom and his ex, if I am a bitch, there is not a word on English to describe what they put him through. If being a supportive wife that helps you reach personal and professional goals without expecting anything in return is a bitch, well I guess that is what I am. They are right that he deserves me, because they didn't deserve him and he walked away. I can say that I have honestly given him my love, honesty and confidence in himself to go after what he wants. It bothered me for a very short time that everything got blamed on me. It was always my fault that Jerod stood up to them, or that he called out a lie, it filed for custody of his kids.
His girls are my heart, our son is my world and they are all my soul. No matter what happens, I am in it for better or worse. My vows actually mean something to me. When I married Jerod, I knew that our life would never be cookie cutter, that there would be tough roads and battles and drama. All that matters is that we have weathered the storm together and it has not broken us.
Monday, July 30, 2012
my little pig

time for (another) change!
I am still drawn to blonde and pink... maybe next summer! ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2012
ah weekend!
So while Kingston is watching Rio, all three of the dogs are napping and my husband is occupied with work of his own... maybe I can get the house clean, so that it can be a mess again by dinner...
Ah the life of a mommy and wife...
Friday, July 27, 2012
It's crazy at work, lots to do and thank God we are prepared for it. Jerod and I are enjoying all of the good things that are coming our way right now, but we are keeping in mind that the storm is coming. Sooner than later, because all of the ducks are in a row for us... In a few short weeks, the paperwork will be piling up and things will be set in motion.
While there has been drama lately, I find that I am not even surprised anymore... while I don't appreciate being called the 'C' word in front of my child and my neighbors - the classless mouth that it came out of will need to try a little harder to get under my skin. I am not a doormat, I am not afraid to tell her to shut her mouth, and most of all, I am just tired of the piece of shit that she is. I am not afraid to tell her that either.
Mother is a term that should be held in the highest regard. Her lack of care for the girls kills me. I take better care of the fish at our house than she does of her own children. To be a real mom - you have to put the work in. Buy them clothes, spend time with them, take them for medical care when they need it, have a moral compass... I could go on forever. Most of all - LOVE THEM. She doesn't deserve them, and hopefully the judge and GAL will agree.
I have taken on so many roles in life and I take each one with a grain. I love ALL THREE of my children, whether I gave birth to them or not. I will support my husband forever in his mission to give the girls a better life. They are part of my heart too.
Here is to the future and all that it holds. May our stressful road ahead be a short one, with a little rainbow at the end.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Tomorrow I can probably sew, or start 50 shades! A little motivation can go a long way!
Monday, July 16, 2012
e-files... finally
Monday, July 9, 2012
being mommy...
So what are you to do when no matter what effort you put forth, the other parent will not do what they should. And your children suffer because of their bad choices. For us, it's another day in the life, but there is always that fear, that worry that no matter how we try to intervene, no matter how pure our intentions, things will never be as they should.
The truth in each of us comes out when we are pressured. How the other parent will respond to the pressure is always a guessing game, and to us - it's also a risk. Is the imbalance too great? Will it push them over the edge? What is our back up plan? What is our safety?
Another weekend full of unsolicited information that tells the story that we always assume to be true.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
a little inspiration and a few projects...

This is a last name project that was featured on Michael's website
I love this and think that it will looks awesome in my living room :) I have a long narrow empty space that is dying for some decoration.
I am undecided on what paper I will use for the letter backgrounds :)
This is just the easiest tank-to-bag with tutorial :) found via pinterest on
It's cute and I love it, end of story!
Oh - and I have about... hmmm... 50 or so tanks...
I think that I can part with a few!
I think this is a cute look with simple steps to complete. The pin is from
As mentioned above - I have an obsession with tank tops. And pink.
And this awesome looking DIY dress was also a pintrest gem that I found. Also, I have already purchased the tank and fabric to make this and it is still sitting in the project pile...
This pin is from
I need to get on it, because this is so cute and I want it to be waiting faithfully on a hanger in my closet.
And another project that I already have the fabric cut for and is sitting in my project pile lol. small ones for the girls and a large one for me. So there are three projects in one here!
Monday, July 2, 2012
busy busy busy!
Honestly, I am ready for cooler weather, hoodies, and football. It's my favorite time of year, I am not a summer person!
July is going to fly by and soon it will be time to get school stuff for the girls and Kingston will be back in preschool for year two!
It's hard to believe that at this time next year, I will be getting Kingston ready for Kindergarten! It all goes so fast.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
interesting week...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
vacation fever
I am really looking forward to it. I also hope to get all of my sewing projects done. They are building up! I have three purses to sew (already cut and ready for stitching), a dress, a make up bag, a dog bed and now a Hulk blanket for Kingston, who patiently accompanied me to the fabric store after being at Children's after his 'boo-boo' yesterday.
Kingston was very excited to tell the guy cutting the fabric that mommy was making a bed for Ripley. I am not sure that the 17 year old employee really appreciated how excited a four year old can be about a new puppy coming home. Though, I am pretty sure that my four year old had more self-awareness than this kid.
Let the two days go quickly, so that we can pick up Ripley, and then the following week needs to creep by :)